CockpitCI Project is back in a new project called ATENA

After the successful review of the CockpitCI results in 2015, the CockpitCI research team wanted to refine the overall architecture of CockpitCI solutions to address more essential services (Critical Infrastructure) issues in terms of Cyber protection and awareness. This aim has been concretised by the design of a new research project in the European H2020 Research framework called ATENA.

This week, the new consortium build to manage this new project has organised the official launch of the project during the Kick-Off meeting which takes place in the Leonardo SPA facilities in Roma.

The aim of the ATENA (Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over critical infrAstructure) project is to refine and generalise the results of CockpitCI for several types of Critical Infrastructure (such as Water distribution or Gaz Distribution) but also to promote the definition of a commercial approach for the future solution according to end-user expectancies.

ATENA Web site can be found Here

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